Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station on the Subway Yotsubashi Line【with a map and photos】

When heading to Nishi-Umeda Station of the Subway Yotsubashi Line(四つ橋線西梅田駅) from Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station(阪神大阪梅田駅), it is convenient to use Wast Gate(西口改札) of Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station.

It takes about 2 minutes from Wast Gate of Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station.

More details will be explained later.


Osaka Station Map

Osaka Station Map

Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station on the Subway Yotsubashi Line

The details are as follows:

After getting out of West Gate of Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station, go diagonally forward left
Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station of the Subway Yotsubashi Line
Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station of the Subway Yotsubashi Line

After getting out of West Gate of Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station, go diagonally forward left.

Before Kita Gate of Nishi-Umeda Station on the Subway Yotsubashi Line, turn left and enter the passageway
Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station of the Subway Yotsubashi Line
Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station of the Subway Yotsubashi Line
Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station of the Subway Yotsubashi Line

The ticket gate, shown in the photo above, is Kita Gate of Nishi-Umeda Station on the Subway Yotsubashi Line.

Kita Gate of Nishi-Umeda Station is for disembarking only, so if you are boarding, go on that passageway next to Kita Gate (left in the photo above).

Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station of the Subway Yotsubashi Line
Transfer at Hanshin Osaka-Umeda Station to Nishi-Umeda Station of the Subway Yotsubashi Line

You will see Naka Gate of Nishi-Umeda Station on the Subway Yotsubashi Line for boarding only.
